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Guide How to Clean Ripped Landing Pages



🧙🏻‍♂️ Wizard 🔮
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Community Leader
May 7, 2018
If you don't know HTML, CSS, or Javascript, it can be hard to figure out how to properly clean a landing page that you ripped for you own use. I've noticed a lot of affiliates have no idea where to start, so I published a basic guide on my blog.

It covers things like:
  • Checking the files you downloaded
  • Removing external links
  • Identifying problem files
  • Auditing and cleaning up Javascripts
  • Removing unnecessary files
  • Base64 encoded images and .js
  • Deobfuscating Javascript
  • Analyzing what urls your page is trying to connect to
  • And what to do if you just can't figure it out
It's by no means a complete guide, but should give you a good idea what to look for after you rip a landing page. Making a complete guide this this would be next to impossible, as there are a million ways to code a landing page.

Hope it helps. Check out the guide to cleaning up ripped landers here.
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