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Guide Guide to Setting up a Campaign on ZeroPark


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Apr 17, 2018
This year, I have setup over 100 campaigns on ZeroPark. It's my #1 traffic source right now. So, let's take a look at the different types of campaigns you can setup on ZeroPark and how it's done.

ZeroPark has 3 types of traffic, but I focus on Domain and Premium PPV traffic. Both traffic types have essentially the same setup. The different is, obviously, the type of traffic you get.

Domain traffic comes from redirects. So, a user types in a random domain and they're redirected to your affiliate offer.
Premium PPV traffic comes from full page pops (pop-up/pop-under).

I run both types of traffic. I have found that domain traffic converts better. That really shouldn't come as a surprise. Pops traditionally don't convert as well as other channels. However, that doesn't mean you should ignore pops. I have multiple pop campaigns that are profitable on ZeroPark.

When I do setup a campaign, whether I use Domain or Premium PPV, I always start with RON.

RON campaigns will get you traffic from a single geo (country) for all the criteria you set (more on that next). However, once I get my RON campaign traffic going, I'll switch to a more optimized campaign by targeting specific sources or targets (more on that soon too).

I've tested Keyword campaigns. I never really have been able to get them successful on ZeroPark. That doesn't mean you shouldn't test it yourself though :)

Let's take a look at the RON campaign setup. There's a lot involved, but I'll cover it.

I expanded the Demographic targeting section, but honestly, I ignore it. I haven't figured out how to optimize on it so I just ignore it.

Everything else is IMPORTANT.

Campaign name
I don't really have too much of a method for giving my campaign a name. The important thing is if you are using a 3rd party tracker (Voluum, RedTrack, BeMob, etc) then I do recommend using the same name on ZeroPark as you use on your tracker. This will help keep you organized.

Choose a country your offer allows (obviously). I do not recommend running a multi-geo campaign because the price you pay per click will vary based on geo. Just setup a campaign for each geo.

I do not use this particular targeting, but if you have a very specific offer you may need it. You could optimize down to region/city as well, but I haven't.

Bid and Budgets
Where you should put your starting bid is a tough question. I typically will start at a higher rate than needed and then decrease based on the Visibility meter on my campaign (you'll see at the top next to your campaign name once your campaign is created). ZeroPark also has a tool you can use to find average bids based on geo and devices.

I typically set my daily budget for 3-5x the payout of the offer. If the offer pays $5, I will set by daily budget at $15-25. I don't set a campaign budget and instead just check the stats once I've spent my daily budget.

Traffic Buying Model
I usually select to buy all traffic available, but if you choose to buy traffic smoothly, your budget will be spread a bit better throughout the day so you can start collecting day parting data.

Traffic Filters
This is VERY important. Usually, when I first start a campaign, I will target both desktop and mobile. You are inflating your bid because obviously desktop and mobile traffic are worth different values, but I'm okay with overpaying a bit during the initial testing phase and then I'll optimize my campaign based on the results. If both desktop and mobile seem like they have an opportunity to optimize after I spent my daily budget, I will setup separate campaigns for them and base my bid on the average EPC for each.

Advanced Traffic Filters
This is also very important and is key to optimizing your campaign once you get some traffic going. When I first create my campaign for the testing phase, I will typically remove Other desktop traffic and Edge traffic from Desktop and also the Linux and Other OS. If you want to test them, feel free. I like to stick with the main devices/OS's.

For Mobile, I will usually either keep everything as is or remove Other mobile traffic.

Of course, if the affiliate offer you are promoting is for a specific browser/device/os/carrier then you will need to configure your campaign for those variables.

Frequency Filters
I always choose 24h for my frequency. This decreases duplicate wasted clicks and if you do get some bot clicks, you won't pay for a bunch from the same IP.

Adult Filtering
I typically non Non Adult campaigns.

Day Parting
What time is it currently in the country you are setting up your campaign for? Not sure? Google it! For example, what time is it in the UK? This is something a lot of affiliates don't think about and then they're frustrated when their campaign tanks within the first few hours. Well, if you're running traffic at 3am in the UK, don't be surprised if it doesn't perform overly well.

By default, ZeroPark is in the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) timezone. You can change this in your account settings if you'd like. Figure out what times you want your campaign to run (I recommend 8am-midnight) and select those times. You should optimize your campaign based on what times you're actually getting conversions AFTER you've run your initial testing phase.

Destination URL
ZeroPark has a bunch of great tokens you can use to optimize your campaigns. I will cover this more in a guide on tracking the tokens and optimizing off them, but make sure your tracker or link in passing in at least the {source} and {target} because that's what you're going to want to focus most of your optimizations on.

I also recommend passing the {cid} into your click and setting up the Conversion tracking so you can track and optimize your campaigns within ZeroPark. I really like this functionality within ZeroPark. Many are against this because they believe it makes it easy for ZeroPark to steal your campaign. If ZeroPark wanted to steal your campaign and run it internally, passing the conversion data to them would most definitely make it easy for them to do, but I don't believe they steal campaigns and have no evidence of them ever stealing any of mine so I'm fine with it.

Campaign vertical/prelander/cost model
This is a new addition to the ZeroPark campaign setup. I'm not sure what value it provides yet, but I fill it out with the honest information about my campaign.

So, that is how to setup a RON campaign on ZeroPark. Setting up a Pop campaign is basically the same thing. I will do a video soon on how to setup a campaign as an example and use either RedTrack or BeMob as my tracker to show how to setup your offer link.

Let me know if you have any questions!
Luke, for PPV RON campaign, Zeropark lets you to choose Premium, Standard or Remnant. When you start a new campaign, which inventory type you choose?
Luke, for PPV RON campaign, Zeropark lets you to choose Premium, Standard or Remnant. When you start a new campaign, which inventory type you choose?
I typically setup a campaign for Premium and/or Standard. I have not had any luck getting remnant to convert yet, but I've found good sources on both Premium and Standard.
Do you still recommend Tonic and/or Self Advertiser if you can't get into ZP? Any others as good or better than these? Would you make any changes to the campaign on those platforms?
Do you still recommend Tonic and/or Self Advertiser if you can't get into ZP? Any others as good or better than these? Would you make any changes to the campaign on those platforms?
TONIC for sure. I've been running campaigns on TONIC the entire time I've had my ZeroPark campaigns running. Great source. Now as much traffic as ZeroPark, but converts well. I'll do a guide for TONIC soon.
After you get conversions on domain do take the source id's and place them a separate premium campaign for each I'd that conversions?
After you get conversions on domain do take the source id's and place them a separate premium campaign for each I'd that conversions?
Yes. Then I take the top TARGETS from the Source (premium) campaign and go even another level deeper :)
Thanks for your guide

1- How can i choose only my white lists in new campaign , only search the targets and then run it , and that mean no another targets will run

2- Do you recommended run CPI offers with zeropark as direct link , really until now i am not success
they want you to provide them with the advertisement network you spend on. Also what tracker you use and you should be fine. Also they going to ask you how much you spend a month on advertising.
Thanks for your guide

1- How can i choose only my white lists in new campaign , only search the targets and then run it , and that mean no another targets will run

2- Do you recommended run CPI offers with zeropark as direct link , really until now i am not success
1. You create a Target/Source campaign instead of a RON.
2. You can try CPI. I have the best results with Downloads, Games, and Sweepstakes.
When you say source are you talking about the source ids from voluum when click on reports
Thanks Luke, what's the max $$ "consistent" you can make per day with ZeroPark?
I personally make $100-300/day from ZeroPark.
Hi guys! please tell me how to register a newcomer to zeropark to approve? Thank you
You can apply and then they'll review your account. If you have trouble getting approved let me know.
Yes, everything is correct, only I'm a beginner and I can not provide them with these data and I was refused registration.
they want you to provide them with the advertisement network you spend on. Also what tracker you use and you should be fine. Also they going to ask you how much you spend a month on advertising.
Luke they did not approve of me, if you can help me.
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TONIC for sure. I've been running campaigns on TONIC the entire time I've had my ZeroPark campaigns running. Great source. Now as much traffic as ZeroPark, but converts well. I'll do a guide for TONIC soon.

Look forward to this, I am not having good luck at the moment with Tonic but to be honest its completely new to me, have a campaign waiting approval but may wait until after your guide before I activate it.
Luke, $100 to $300 are net profit or earnings? :giggle:
Net profit.
Look forward to this, I am not having good luck at the moment with Tonic but to be honest its completely new to me, have a campaign waiting approval but may wait until after your guide before I activate it.
I have it planned to do a video lesson on TONIC this week 👍