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Gtin issues in Google Merchant Center


Super Contributor
Nov 24, 2018
I have a bit of a unique problem and wonder if anyone has any insights.

My wife is an artist and we run a POD business selling her art. This art is 100% unique to her and its sold on both Etsy and directly through our site.

She does not have any gtins for her products, yet when I look in the Google Merchant Center I get the following error for several of her products:

Example items for issue: Limited performance due to missing value [gtin]

I suspect as these products were sold on Etsy before they were sold directly through our store that Etsy has in some way created an internal gtin (or similar) that its using through its Google Merchant feed to run advertising, and now Google has associated that gtin with the products.

So now we are in a situation where we are the creator and manufacturer, but could get poor performance on our shopping campaigns all because Google believes there is a gtin associated with the products.

I am not sure what do at this point, except just run as it is with the potential for limited performance.
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