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Google Documentation Leak: 14,000 Ranking Factors and New SEO Revelations.



Apr 30, 2024

The leaked files are available at this link:

A leak of the Google API Content Warehouse document has occurred, containing links to private repositories and internal pages of Google's corporate website. This 2500-page document provides a detailed explanation of how Google's search engine operates. SEO specialists are actively analyzing the leaked data.
Based on the information presented in the documentation, Google uses over 14,000 factors to rank websites. Among these, user clicks and post-click behavior, known as behavioral factors, play a crucial role. According to SEO specialists who have studied the new data, clicks and site navigation are now much more significant, while content and links are secondary.


Google Ranking Algorithms

Recent leaks from Google, combined with disclosures from the U.S. Department of Justice's antitrust case, have shed light on various aspects of Google's ranking algorithms that contradict some of the company's public statements. Here are several key points that differ from Google's claims about its ranking methods and are of great interest to SEO specialists:

User Behavior on Site:
- An important ranking component, NavBoost, utilizes click-based data to elevate or demote a site's ranking. NavBoost analyzes user
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