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ChatGPT on affLIFT (Private Message @Einstein)



Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
As a part of our adventure into AI here on affLIFT, I've also released our own ChatGPT: @Einstein

The way it works is simple. You send a private message to Einstein just like you would on ChatGPT. He processes your message just like ChatGPT would and replies to you. Each message within the conversation is "remembered" by Einstein and used in his future response. If you want to start a new topic, you can simply start a new conversation with him.

👉 Click here to message @Einstein

Whether or not you continue to use ChatGPT is up to you, but you should get very similar responses from Einstein (although of course he is set as an affiliate marketing expert and Community Leader here on affLIFT by default) :D

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