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ChatGPT for code


Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
As an affiliate, I have used ChatGPT quite a bit for coding. I've mainly used it for JavaScript and some PHP. I mentioned it before, but ChatGPT was a huge help in getting BackUnder created (and then useful in helping make it even better).

ChatGPT can write great code but it's not perfect all the time. Make sure you double check anything it gives you before just putting it live. If there is an issue, you can explain it to ChatGPT in the same chat and it will probably be able to fix it (I've also done this many times).

Of course, you will need a basic understanding of whatever coding language you have it help you with to be able to implement it, but I imagine it can help with that as well 😀

Of course, @Einstein is happy to try to help you write code as well 👍
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