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Case Study ✅ Galaksion Audience Targeting Test (New vs Regular vs Old)

BIG Conference


Staff Member
Community Leader
May 2, 2018
In my last case study, I’ve tested how frequency capping can affect your conversion rate. This time, I’ve decided to test audience targeting:


I want to see what conversion rate I can expect for each audience group. For this test, I’ll use 1 zone in 1 geo, with CPM bidding (same bid for all tests). Frequency capping will be set to 3/24.

Let’s go! 🚀

👦 DAY 1 - New Audience


Unique Visits: 178

Unique Visits %: 74.17%

Conversions: 14

Conversions Change: n/a

CV: 5.833%

CV Change: n/a

Cost: $0.28

CPA: $0.0200

CPA Change: n/a

Only 14 conversions on the first day, targeting only the New audience. Not much traffic as you can see. CV was nice - 5.833%. My CPA was $0.02.

😊 DAY 2 - Regular Audience


Unique Visits: 2,648

Unique Visits %: 53.10%

Conversions: 190

Conversions Change: 1257.14%

CV: 3.810%

CV Change: -34.68%

Cost: $5.74

CPA: $0.0302

CPA Change: 51.05%

On the 2nd day of the test, I got way more traffic. I was targeting Regular audience this time. Got 190 conversions, but CV dropped to 3.810%. My CPA on the 2nd day was $0.0302 -
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