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  1. wamm666

    Comment by 'wamm666' in article 'Introduce Yourself to the Community'

    Hello everyone, I am a newcomer, I am from a country whose native language is not English or a second official language. China, affiliate marketing has been activated for a few days, and I am very confused. Trackers, affiliate programs, and publishers The connection between them, talk about what...
  2. wamm666

    Comment by 'wamm666' in article 'Introduce Yourself to the Community'

    哈哈,我也是来自粤语地区,其实也有做E某U可以赚钱的,我也做过一会,也算是赚了一点小钱,但毕竟不是长久之计,所以想学学正规付费流量。其实我认为无论在E某U还是正规的付费流量,亏钱的还是占多数,能赚钱的是占少数,千万不要抱着一些不现实的想法,要摆正心态,好好学习,自己走的路自己负责,相信付出总会有回报的,有空多交流,我们一起努力。 慢慢来,正规我应该比你入门要晚,然后渐渐发现用E某U的思维来做正规,特么的貌似很爽的样子,这几天我要开始验证一下看看是否行得通,如果有效果了,哥们,一起呗,独行侠不好玩呀,哈哈哈😊
  3. wamm666

    Comment by 'wamm666' in article 'Introduce Yourself to the Community'
