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  1. G

    August Link Directory Contest - $1000 in Prizes

    I had to give a great review to Advertizer. They have been extremely helpful And AffLift is the greatest!
  2. G

    How to Stay Motivated & Keep Going When Everything Seems Too Hard

    This might be the best post I’ve read on affLift. Thanks for your inspiration
  3. G

    Giveaway 💰 $4,700+ in Prizes 😲 Reply to participate

    THIS IS MY ENTRY I hope to win ANY PRIZE because..I’ve said it before and I’ll always say this: AffLift is the greatest AM forum. I’ve learned more here in 3 months than anywhere else in 20 years. Everyone is helpful and very generous with their time, knowledge and experience.
  4. G

    Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

    absolutely. I see now that it’s actually easier. I do need to create or “find” some creatives. I did run into a problem where I didn’t create a route in Kintura so I was paying for traffic but receiving none. I sorted that out quick !
  5. G

    Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

    @Traffic Company #5 -only ran one push campaign before - not very successfully. Hence the learning curve. It’s starting to make more sense now that I a have some data from the campaigns I’ve started. Thanks for your help
  6. G

    Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

    @Kintura that wasn’t me in support - yet! I was brand new to both @Kintura and @Traffic Company so there was a bit of a learning curve. The first 10,000 “visitors” never saw an offer bec/ I set the Kintura campaign up incorrectly. My second try seems to be working correctly. It’s great to know...
  7. G

    Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

    Ok so #3 was causing my headache. Here’s what I understand now 1 find the IVR you like 2 select a prelander 3 the prelander chosen will appear on next page along with some optional items. Then it says “create direct link” and then “create link”, implying 2 options. 4 create the link. Use that...
  8. G

    Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

    @servandosilva @Traffic Company @Kintura @Zeropark so I have trafficCompany, Kintura, and Zeropark. A little confusing so here’s some questions. 1. Go to TC find an IVR you like 2 Select a Prelander 3 do you then create a direct link? 3a if yes do you use that direct link as the offer page...
  9. G

    Link Directory Contest - $500 in Prizes

    thanks for creating this contest. I’ve never looked at the directory before and probably never would have until this. Another win for affLift oh yeah- Admob Zeropark Monetizer
  10. G

    Gambling Guide Giveaway + LPs

    and THIS is why you need to check AffLift EVERYDAY. Otherwise you find out about these great contests/giveaways After it’s too late. I’ll say it again: AffLIFT is the Best resource for AM. Its worth Tripp’s the price!!
  11. G

    Prosper202 is FREE again

    @agentf set me up and configured a prosper202 tracker on one of my domains using vultr. Thanks to everyone who helped, assisted, prodded and encouraged me to try prosper202 and especially @agentf @T202Nana for offering this great tool AffLIFT again for the win. AffLIFT is The best resource...
  12. G

    Prosper202 is FREE again

    I hope this is as easy to use as beMob!
  13. G

    Prosper202 is FREE again

    Oh lord I remember trying to use this about 10–11 years ago. I couldn’t figure it out back then. What a noob. Oh wait, I can barely figure out how to use beMob and that’s super simple. But I’ll give it a try. The price is right
  14. G

    How to Stay Motivated & Keep Going When Everything Seems Too Hard

    Here’s what do: 1 write down my goals 2 rewrite them on post-it notes 3 put one up on bathroom mirror, refrigerator, and inside of front door 4 read them every time I see them. Then re-read them out loud. but the most important thing to take away from this: WRITE THEM DOWN otherwise you’ll...
  15. G

    Top Content - February 2020

    So glad I stumbled upon this forum
  16. G

    TopOffers + ProfitSocial Follow Along Contest

    Crap. I was tryna get a head start with my secret adult traffic network. TJ. But they kept declining my funding
  17. G

    TopOffers + ProfitSocial Follow Along Contest

    oh i'm definitely doing this contest. i guess its the challenge!
  18. G

    TopOffers + ProfitSocial Follow Along Contest

    Not to rain on anyone’s parade but this hardly seems worth the effort. This company seems hell-best on self promotion to the detriment of us ( the ones who promote them and their offers) The payout thresholds are all over the place depending on which forum they’re trying to hype. $100, $250...
  19. G

    TopOffers + ProfitSocial Follow Along Contest

    Not to rain on anyone’s parade but this hardly seems worth the effort. This company seems hell-best on self promotion to the detriment of us ( the ones who promote them and their offers) The payout thresholds are all over the place depending on which forum they’re trying to hype. $100, $250...