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  1. servandosilva

    Advices From A Newbie To A Newbie

    It sounds like a bad idea. In words of awardspace, their free hosting is in a lower tier than shared hosting (I didn't know that was possible) and I wouldn't put my hard-earned traffic in a server like that. We have many tutorials on how to upload landing pages to fast VPSes or CDNs and just...
  2. servandosilva

    Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

    Don't forget to create a follow along to engage more with people and get some help with your campaigns if needed :)
  3. servandosilva

    Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

    I mean, unless you're a graphic designer (and even so, you shouldn't assume your creatives will perform better just because they @look better") I imagine it's going to be hard to make better icons and graphics than what's already available there :)
  4. servandosilva

    Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

    I literally just use Google search for this. If I want to promote an app about dating, I search for (dating icon). Or iPhone icon, or bitcoin icon, etc. You get the idea... No need to create the images yourself or pay for a spy tool to get the icons. They are freely available on Google image...
  5. servandosilva

    Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

    The issue here is you thought "create direct" link was another option to create the offer link. If you click the "create direct link" button, it only goes back to selecting a lander or removes the lander you already selected in step 2. But you've got it sorted now :)
  6. servandosilva

    Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

    Hi man. Let me see if I can help you with your questions. 3. No, if you select a pre lander you're not direct linking anymore. You're using a pre lander hosted by traffic company. If you want to host your own pre landers then don't select a pre lander and direct link to the offer page. 3a...
  7. servandosilva

    Guide Pump Up the Volume – How to Scale a Profitable Campaign

    Excellent guide Jimmy! Also, that desk set up looks familiar haha :unsure:
  8. servandosilva

    Link Directory Contest - $500 in Prizes

    Just reviewed most of the networks and tools I've used in my affiliate life :)
  9. servandosilva

    Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

    Is there a link for the telegram group? :)
  10. servandosilva

    Guide Cap Management Guide

    As additional things I've had to do in this situation while cap gets lifted: 1. Run a very similar offer with lower performance when you hit the cap. You won't have the same ROI but it should still be profitable. 2. Be creative and ask your manager if something else can be done ;)
  11. servandosilva

    Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

    I was going to ask about this but you've already answered :) So, a call center is not required for these offers, correct? Everything is done without human interaction?
  12. servandosilva

    Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

    $8 after spending $25 in your first test is gold man. Had you stick with it you might have been able to turn it to profit. The first campaign I tested started at -70% ROI then moved to -40%, then 0% and now it's hovering around 30%. Just by blocking non-performing zones because there isn't much...
  13. servandosilva

    Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

    I've been hearing a bunch of good comments about Traffic Company and decided to give them a go last month. While my focus hasn't been on mobile content for a while except for a few campaigns here and there in some hot geos, I decided to give them a test and got a few conversions but forgot about...
  14. servandosilva

    Gambling Guide Giveaway + LPs

    Admaven, Zeropark or Propeller :)
  15. servandosilva

    How to Stay Motivated & Keep Going When Everything Seems Too Hard

    Great thread. I have had my fair share of ups and downs in the last few years and I have managed to get back with different methods each time. I try to have something in my mind or even print it and have it near my desk to remind me what I'm fighting for. Not necessarily and end goal, but more...
  16. servandosilva

    About sweepstakes CTR!

    After checking both of your landers, the CTR doesn't seem to be that low for me. Those landers are focused on engagement and interaction, which means people clicking through them (except bots) are highly likely to convert if you have a good offer. If you had simpler landing pages you might have...
  17. servandosilva

    Follow Along EvaDav Push CPA + PopAds

    The adult landers CR is huuuuuge!
  18. servandosilva

    Follow Along EvaDav Push CPA + PopAds

    Same here :) I was expecting to hear something about the payouts but instead, they just asked for more volume and gave me a few recommendations!
  19. servandosilva

    Follow Along EvaDav Push CPA + PopAds

    That's right. The payment is still very fast and the threshold is only $25 so not bad for starters.
  20. servandosilva

    I think I'd like to test Native ads (1k budget), what are your recommendations ?

    Anstrex is pretty good for native and push for their price. I'd get started there. Your plan looks good to me. Do you have accounts in networks with nutra offers available already?