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  1. Daniel Loh

    Happy Birthday, affLIFT!

    Glad to be a part of this community! :)πŸ‘πŸŽ‚πŸ»πŸΎ
  2. Daniel Loh

    Guide Tutorial Step-By-Step: how to create and host your landing page, the right way on amazon AWS.

    Purelander just got an upgrade! Check it out! πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ @Tyoussef - πŸ‘
  3. Daniel Loh

    Guide Tutorial Step-By-Step: how to create and host your landing page, the right way on amazon AWS.

    Tyoussef, Amazing! So looking forward to it! πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸ‘Œ
  4. Daniel Loh

    Guide Tutorial Step-By-Step: how to create and host your landing page, the right way on amazon AWS.

    Hi, Anyone has a video how to use Purelander's page ripper to rip a survey lander and edit it for our use? I'm a noob .. so I see the source code and don't know what to edit. Anyway the ripper is so cool .. Cheers, Daniel
  5. Daniel Loh

    Guide $30 000 Profit on Dating Offers with PropellerAds Push Notifications - Spypush team CaseStudy+Tutorial

    SpyPush, Isn't their Smartlink mostly in English? When I use their native language in my Push creative, the CTR improves but the CR reduces .. :( I am still yet to get this Dating SL ROI positive for France .. still testing.
  6. Daniel Loh

    Follow Along Zeropark + Voluum + PeerFly. Goal = Spot 3 Profitable campaigns

    Not sure what happened but I can only see target and sources but I don't have the 'Browsers' tab. Need to check what went wrong with my settings. :( Thanks Luke.
  7. Daniel Loh

    Follow Along Zeropark + Voluum + PeerFly. Goal = Spot 3 Profitable campaigns

    Hi guys, For ZeroPark optimisation, we are able to only do source and target optimisation? Can we do optimisation on Mobile for stuff like e.g. browsers? I have some info on the tracker but can't seem to futher optimise base on those data. :( cheers, Daniel
  8. Daniel Loh

    Follow Along Zeropark + Voluum + PeerFly. Goal = Spot 3 Profitable campaigns

    Great follow along and great to see success on PPV. I tried POP and got no conversion. Accidentally left Tonic on a daily Budget and I thought it was a campaign Budget and it ate up all my cash without a single conversion .. :(
  9. Daniel Loh

    Cloudfront VS Cloudflare

    Oh no .. I'm committed on it. :cry:
  10. Daniel Loh

    Cloudfront VS Cloudflare

    Hi Jacky, Is there any difference if I use AWS-S3 + Cloudfare vs GoDaddy Ultimate+Cloudfare? I need to use Wordpress and I understand setting it up in AWS-S3 is more difficult. I am looking to improve my WP hosting speed. thanks, Daniel
  11. Daniel Loh

    Top Threads and Members - December 2018

    Thanks Guys! Reading as much as I can and trying to figure out why everyone one does what they do and how they think .. :) Need to speed up thins learning curve! thanks, Daniel
  12. Daniel Loh

    November MegaPush Contest

    Hi, I was reading through this 'old' thread and it was interesting .. learnt a lot. Was anyone able to get the ROI positive after all the late conversions? cheers, Daniel
  13. Daniel Loh

    Top Threads and Members - December 2018

    Thanks Luke. This journey is tougher than I thought! :( There's so much to learn .. Cheers, Daniel
  14. Daniel Loh

    Guide Direct Linking PeerFly with MegaPush (no tracker required)

    Hi Jacky, Yes! It's a confirmation that all the setup works. Am glad of all of Luke's tutorials and all the follow alongs from all the AffLift community and help and advice. Really Glad that I joined.:)(y) Cheers, Daniel
  15. Daniel Loh

    Guide Setting up a Landing Page on BeMob

    Thanks Luke! Waiting for BeMob's reply .. :)
  16. Daniel Loh

    Guide Setting up a Landing Page on BeMob

    Hi Luke or other helpful friends, (Q1) When I set up a landing page in Bemob, can I use it for different traffic sources or do I have to set up different landing pages for different traffic sources? I mean .. we have to copy the tracking pixel and the click url into our landing pages. Is it...
  17. Daniel Loh

    Guide Setting up a Landing Page on BeMob

    Hi Bemob, Thanks a million. Will do! cheers, Daniel
  18. Daniel Loh

    Guide Setting up a Landing Page on BeMob

    Thanks Luke. Noted.
  19. Daniel Loh

    Guide Setting up a Landing Page on BeMob

    Hi Luke, I am trying to test a landing page setup next and following your tutorial here .. got a few questions: (2) For the click url that we put in all the landing pages CTA buttons .. it is the Peerfly affiliate link? eg.{clickid} (2) For the...