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  1. Nick

    What's the longest Push campaign you ran profitable?

    @renadoha I think you need to get back to the basics and re-evaluate your strategy. If what you’re saying is really what happened then your offer payout must be $10... is that correct? If it is correct then the first thing you’ll want to do is pick offers with a much lower payout... probably...
  2. Nick

    Follow Along SelfAdvertiser + Bemob + Mobipium (October Contest)

    @jairene are you using the postback URL that's in the BeMob template? The one in my dashboard is a bit different (include "ref"). I've just spoken with SelfAdvertiser and they've said the ref is required, so you might copy the postback straight out of your SelfAdvertiser dashboard and see if...
  3. Nick

    SelfAdvertiser Auto Optimizer Q & A 🧙🏻‍♂️

    The other day @servandosilva, @jimmyvanilla, @Luke, @agentf and I got into a discussion on Skype with @SelfAdvertiser (Gal) about their Auto Optimizer feature. It turned out to be quite interesting, so we've decided that it would be good to share here on AffLift. :p SelfAdvertiser already has...
  4. Nick

    EvaDav Follow Along Contest - $750 in Prizes - Publisher or Advertiser!

    Unfortunately, yes. It ended on October 1st... however, there's a HUGE one coming soon! ;)
  5. Nick


    The webinar is starting in 30 min! Don't miss out! ;)
  6. Nick

    What's the longest Push campaign you ran profitable?

    Are you always using the same landers/creatives in every campaign you test? BTW if you want you can PM me the landers.
  7. Nick

    What's the longest Push campaign you ran profitable?

    Sweepstakes is an evergreen vertical so the problem is probably with your funnel (offer, landers, ads).
  8. Nick

    EvaDav Follow Along Contest - $750 in Prizes - Publisher or Advertiser!

    Here is my entry:
  9. Nick


    I’ll for sure be there 😉
  10. Nick

    mThink Blue Book 2021 Top Affiliate Networks Survey is GARBAGE

    I don't like these "industry awards" either. They are so biased and misleading. Perhaps "Pay to Prey" is a good way to sum them up? 😃 I've briefly touched on this in my Affiliate Tips email newsletter (affiliate tip #24 to be exact) when another "industry awards" voting period was going on...
  11. Nick

    Step 13 - The END, but really the BEGINNING?

    Kind of. The "notification" is a little dialog box where the user can either click the X in the top right corner, click deny, or click allow. If someone clicks allow that's when you get paid for a conversion. Here's a screenshot to help you visualize pretty close to exactly what the user sees...
  12. Nick

    Follow Along Back with another follow-along! Tier 1 Casino- CPA offer

    If you're able to... you should give an overall stats update for the campaign as a whole for all days since you launched. :D
  13. Nick

    Follow Along Back with another follow-along! Tier 1 Casino- CPA offer

    Should be good now I think. (y) @varunkeskar... you or @sarveshpandey89 should write a guide here on the forum in the email section showing how to configure Amazon + Sendy. 😎 (I'm sure @Luke would be into that)
  14. Nick

    Follow Along Back with another follow-along! Tier 1 Casino- CPA offer

    If what @jimmyvanilla said doesn't work you might need to enable duplicate postbacks in your affiliate network setup in Voluum:
  15. Nick

    Guide Tracking Campaign Push Revenue on Monetizer (yes, it's possible!)

    Doesn't the pm_allowAction get triggered if the user is already subscribed, or, if the user's browser doesn't support push notifications?
  16. Nick

    Step 13 - The END, but really the BEGINNING?

    What you're doing in this guide is using popunder traffic and sending it to a push notification subscription offer. The offer is asking someone to subscribe to push notification ads. You're just simply getting people to subscribe to the ads and once they are subscribed they will receive ads from...
  17. Nick

    Why we made Kintura FREE

    Proxy and Bot detection should work on the free plan. You'll enable it through a filter on your campaign: Bot: Proxy:
  18. Nick

    Landing Pack Giveaway - 100 Landers Cleaned and Ready!

    BTC... because it's baaaack.... 🚀 Maybe.
  19. Nick

    Guide The Ultimate Guide to Clickloss

    Traffic source to tracker, but maybe you have a higher tolerance. 10% is ok; maybe a little high for push, but if it's working I'd go with it. :)
  20. Nick

    Guide The Ultimate Guide to Clickloss

    Awesome :D You can find all my threads here: