Follow Along Getting Lazy with Galaksion - Survey Pops Example



Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
I've had a few members ask what traffic sources you should test out the survey offers from the Survey Pops course on and one of my favorite pop traffic sources right now besides PropellerAds is Galaksion.

I've run many campaigns on Galaksion and done quite a few follow alongs. They have a good amount of traffic, a nice platform, and CPA pricing.

So, I decided to do a follow along example using the pop traffic from Galaksion and direct linking (being lazy) the survey offers from Zeydoo.

The basic setup:

Traffic Source: Galaksion
Offer: Finance Survey from Zeydoo
Tracker: Voluum (but I'll be using the reports from Galaksion more)

My goal for this campaign is more to test a strategy. I'm doing a big multi-geo CPA campaign, finding the GEOs with the most potential, testing those individually, and then potentially scaling with a whitelist.

Let's get started! :D

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