
Laughter prolongs life, improves mood, energizes. Laughter can stir up any bored guy. April Fools’ Day is another reason to smile and perhaps a harmless joke will boost your colleague's or your friend's mood for the whole day.

April Fools’ Day also is a good reason to add campaigns with laughable ads. Brands often use humour in their marketing strategies. Humour in advertising has long been proven effective. Its use can improve ad performance. Incorporating humorous components, ads become more enjoyable to view, engaging and memorable.

How does the use of humour in ads impact its effectiveness

Humor has the ability to enhance attention and mood. Mood and attention are mediators of humor strength, that is, the influence of the recall of the ad. Those positive effects are explained with the fact that humor is an anticipation of enjoyment, therefore, there is a higher likelihood of attendance of the ad and a change in attitude when visualizing the ad. It also distracts the consumers from creating erroneous thoughts and reducing the resistance to be persuaded. Customers get positive emotions associated with the brand. As a result, it increases customer loyalty and engagement.

Affiliate marketers rarely use humor due to the nature of the business. Clickbait headlines and shocking content are more common. However, these marketing techniques have a common goal - increasing click-through rate.


Benefits of using humour in marketing

  • Stand out from the crowd. The market is oversaturated with advertising. Therefore, using a creative idea in advertising gives you the opportunity to stand out.
  • Virality. People love to share funny commercials or anything that makes them laugh. If your ad is really liked by users, then virality is guaranteed.
  • Grabbing attention. Humour has the ability to enhance attention.
  • Trustworthy. Humorous ads compel consumers to trust a brand even more, boosting the credibility.
  • Higher recall. Any ad message with humour will be easier for visitors to remember.

Don't go overboard with humour. It can ruin the image of a brand

Any humour needs to be tested. The fact is that everyone has a different sense of humour, and what seems funny to an ad developer may not be to everyone's liking at all. In order to make sure that advertising is suitable, you should gather an audience that will be as close as possible to the target, for example, by age or interests, and find out from them exactly what feelings the advertising evokes, would they like to buy this product, do they understand they are jokes used in a slogan and the like.
  • Avoid political and religious topics, jokes about violence, racism and gender stereotypes.
  • The joke must correspond to the specifics of the product, otherwise it makes no sense.
  • Make fun of yourself, not the client. Don't make this personal.


Examples of humour in advertising

H&M launched a faux capsule in collaboration with Mark Zuckerberg. The humour is that the Facebook co-founder wears a gray T-shirt and blue jeans every day. The brand made a special landing page and this story went viral.



PayPal posted a tweet on April 1 with the following text: You can now Print Money directly from your phone. Launching on the PayPal app. Will you be using it?


A stunning reimagine of familiar art. Simple, clear and meaningful.


Memes - pictures with a few short words: a fun way to grab the users attention.

Turn on your creativity and make an ad that you yourself would like to share with your friends.

Properly executed hilarious marketing campaign will improve brand awareness and, most importantly, raise sales.

Launch ad campaign 🚀

Please share your experience, ad creatives, april fools' pranks 🦄